Giving Tuesday

November 29, 2022 - December 31, 2022

The Herreshoff Marine Museum offers unique interactive youth and adult sailing classes for the summer and fall. The mission of the Herreshoff Seamanship Program is to teach the art of seamanship and the principles of sailing, with an added emphasis life skills such as teamwork, problem solving, personal responsibility, and relationship building - skills that they'll take with them as they grow and that they can apply to other things that they do.

The boats we use to teach your young sailors can use your help. Boats are a source of endless pleasure, but they also fairly described as "holes in the water into which one pours money".

Ours are no different.

Please take a look at these opportunities and consider a donation of any amount toward the HMM Sailing Program today. Your support can help us deliver the best sailing program possible for our young sailors.

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Hosted By

Herreshoff Marine Museum

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